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Donbass Region

The Donbas: A Contested Land

Historical and Economic Significance

Located in southeastern Ukraine, the Donbas has been a historical, cultural, and economic center for centuries. Its vast coal reserves make it a major industrial region, contributing significantly to the economy of Ukraine and beyond. The industrial area of the Donbas encompasses several major cities and is home to a significant population.

Ethnic Composition and Political Conflict

The Donbas is predominantly Russian-speaking, and its population has strong ties to Russia. After Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, its proxy forces captured over a third of Ukraine's territory in the Donbas. This sparked an armed conflict between Ukrainian government forces and Russian-backed separatists that has lasted for over eight years.

Renewed Negotiations and Local Perspectives

With renewed negotiations to end the conflict on the horizon, the views of the people most affected by the war in the Donbas are crucial. The region's residents have faced immense hardship and displacement, and their voices deserve to be heard. Their perspectives and experiences will play a vital role in shaping the future of the Donbas and finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
